One of the greatest factors affecting productivity and satisfaction in the workplace is the physical and mental health of employees. It has been scientifically proven that workers who have a regular wellness practice - be it sports, hobbies, mindfulness practice, etc. - are significantly happier not just in their lives, but also at work. This leads to a better, more positive and productive work environment, and contributes to a healthy work/life balance.
AYA Wellness Programs provide companies and organisations programs that address all the major areas of health and well-being:
• Body
• Mind
• Nutrition
• Stress Reduction
We teach simple techniques that any employee can do, and provide tools that can be used anywhere, even outside of the work environment. These techniques serve to immediately provide a sense of well-being and relaxation, while acting in the long-term as a preventative measure against illness, stress and burn-out.
We base our work on the following 4 PILLARS OF WELLNESS:
1 - Intention Setting & Let-Go
2 - Mindful Movement
3 - Breathwork & Meditation for Stress Reduction
4 - Nutrition
Sample Program proposal
Time: Approx. 5 hours
Suggested Time: 8am-1pm on a weekend day OR split into multiple groups during the week (e.g. Group 1 continues working while Group 2 does workshop, then they switch following week)
Time: Weekly workshop program for 1 month
Suggested: 1.5 hours per workshop element, once per week either mornings before, or afternoons after work.
Description of Workshop Elements
1. Intention Setting & Let-Go
Having a positive mindset is one of the keys to staying in the flow of life, overcoming feelings of overwhelm and seeing your current situation in a positive light. Learning how to set an intention for your day, or even for your life, that is framed in a focused and positive way can have a profound impact on how we think and address challenging or stressful situations.
Part of clearing the way for your intention is first to release the old stuff that has been causing the blocks.
In this workshop, we will first identify the blockages or what’s keeping you stuck and from achieving your goals. Then, through an ancient fire ritual, we will release these blocks symbolically, clearing the way to imprint new goals though conscious intention setting. This intention setting process will be guided with specific prompts to help identify priorities and goals in all areas of your life.
2. Mindful Movement
Our physical bodies are the “temples of our soul”, and keeping this temple healthy, happy and clean is of utmost importance to a balanced, disease-free life. Long hours sitting at a desk, hunched over computers, and the general stress of the work environment can lead to physical pain in the muscles and joints, upset digestive systems and depletion of our life energy, resulting in fatigue and lack of focus.
Our Mindful Movement workshop combines simple elements of yoga and stretching, suitable for any body type or fitness level, that will help increase flexibility, reduce pain, dispel pent up stress and energise the body. We offer 2 options during mindful movement - one, for those who have no problem sitting on the ground and moving on a mat, and one for those with less mobility, which can be practised sitting in a chair.
3. Breathwork & Mindfulness for Stress-Reduction
Breathwork is the active form of consciously working with your breath to bypass the mind and enter a different state of awareness. This is what most people seek when meditating, and breathwork takes you to that place very quickly. The practice gives the brain's executive functioning something to focus on, so you can bypass the mental level of consciousness and drop into a deeper state of consciousness, where healing and insight reside.
Breathwork supports so many of the challenges everyone experiences. It reduces stress, creates feelings of openness, love, peace, gratitude, clarity, communication, and connection. Breathwork also helps release trauma or mental, physical, and emotional blocks, as well as anxiety, depression, fear, grief, and anger. Last, it can help people receive insights and downloads about work, creativity, finances, relationships, or health conditions.
We teach various forms of breathwork - some very intense - but for this program we teach a simple form of breath practice that teaches you use the breath as a point of focus for guiding you into a place of deep relaxation and focus. This breath technique can be practised anywhere, anytime and is a fantastic immediate stress-relieving tool.
4. Nutrition
“You are what you eat.” The food we put into our bodies becomes the building blocks of health - or dysfunction. Diabetes, obesity, cancer and other diseases are on the rise, and much of this is due to poor diet.
Our workshop on nutrition will introduce participants to practical, healthy eating habits, as well as other practices including an intro to fasting, the benefits of juicing and stress-reducing recipes.
During this workshop, we will give participants sample tastes of a home-made high-nutrition, high-potency green juice.